Sunday, July 1, 2018

Camping at Cunningham Falls

Camping, Swimming, and Hiking

We packed a car full of stuff for a 36 hour trip to Cunningham Falls. Swimming and hiking were the highlights of the trip. And 'camping' involved spending a restless night in an air conditioned cabin.

RJ and the boys patrolled the woods for hours against their arch-enemies ... the girls. The girls were not really playing ... except for Ellie ... who seemed to enjoy the attention of being held hostage.
The Sunday hike was pretty awesome when we got to Cat Rock because there was lots of fun climbing ... for both Julia and RJ. Dad and RJ hiked the Old Misery Trail, while the rest of the crew did the normal hike and beat us to the top by a couple minutes. Old Misery Trail was not too much different from the other trail ... but it had a much cooler name.
Julia decides to put on a show at the amphitheater.

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