Sunday, July 29, 2018

Bike to Church

Bike to Church Day

Sunday was reasonably cool, so we charged out of the house for the 2.8 mile ride to St. Luke's. The route is quite hilly so RJ was pretty proud of himself when he made it the entire way without getting stuck. The trail was pretty over-grown, so we both ended up getting some scrapes from thorny weeds.

On the way home, RJ waits at the light at Georgetown Pike and Ridge Drive

Hazards of Church

Going to church is getting to be a bit dangerous. After attending mass and picking out a donut with sprinkles, we decided to go outside. RJ sat down in an Adirondack chair on a sunny porch area. In about 3 seconds bees were swarming his donut. Dad told him to be calm so they wouldn't sting him. He was pretty calm ... especially considering he had already been stung twice.

As it turns out, the issue wasn't the donut, but the fact that there is a wasp/yellow jacket's nest in the chair. Next Sunday we're bringing our wasp killer.

Julia and Dad decided to go back and take the picture above. When the flash went off ... it irritated the bees and we nearly ended up with two more members of the family getting stung.

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