Wednesday, July 25, 2018

3 months - 2 batteries

Battery Replacement

Today the family helped replace the battery in the 2005 Subaru Forester. Everybody got a turn to tighten bolts and Mom got to replace the headlight. As you can see from the old battery below ... a mouse had made it's way onto the battery during the winter months to stay warm. A couple shells from the nuts that RJ thoughtfully stored in the garage were cleaned from the battery area as well.

Three months ago, the Honda battery died. The folks from Auto-Zone are pretty happy about all of this. I'm getting good at changing car batteries. Yes ... I know that they do it for free ... but what's the fun in that?!?


  1. Maybe you should buy American cars!!!

  2. Battery #3 for the truck (Ford) was installed today. The best part of the experience was pushing the vehicle from 7-Eleven to the Shell Station that was a couple buildings away.
