Saturday, November 27, 2021

Trains 2021-22

We setup the O gauge trains in the basement this year. This year featured 3 concentric tracks and a new Whitetail display. Julia's critters spent time riding the rails.

Some serious tracks and switching this year

Whitetail featured 4 slopes and a line of cars caused by a proposed security gate

We had a few visitors ... but no train party.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Hiking at Whitetail

During a quick getaway before ski season, we did an early morning hike. With most of the leaves on the ground, visibility was great.

Sara tries to find all 23 trails

The mountain bike trails provided a great walking path. We encountered moss, leaves, and tried out many hiking sticks. Then we found a cliff to climb up.

Hiking the blue mountain bike trail

Monday, November 15, 2021

Warren's surprise visit

While eating dinner one night, the doorbell rang ... it was the Warrens!

Mr. Jim and Mrs. Laura make a surprise visit!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans' Day 2021

Veterans' Day Service

The fourth grade class lead the St. Agnes service in honor of Veterans' Day. RJ got to do the prayers of the faithful.

4th Grade Photo

Veterans' Day Holiday

Sara took the kids to Arlington National Cemetery for Veterans' Day. After finding relatives grave sites, watching a parade, and some photo opportunities they headed down to the Air and Space Museum. A short expedition turned into a 5-6 hour trek.

Veterans' Day at Arlington National Cemetary

Flyover in DC (Doug got to see them turn around in McLean)