Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tacoma, WA

Since the airport is half way to Tacoma, RJ and I decided to go on a little adventure after dropping Courtney off at the airport. Plus, Doug didn't get back from DC until later that night, so we needed to do something to make the day go faster.

First stop: Botanic Gardens
RJ loved playing with the "sensitive plant" that closed when you touched it.
This was nice, but was pretty much the whole place...not nearly as impressive as the guidebook talked it up to be (or maybe I'm just spoiled with the US Botanic Garden).
They did give us fish food for free so RJ could feed the fish in the koi pond. This was well worth the $3 admission fee as it entertained RJ for at least 20 minutes.

Second stop: We went to walk around the park and discovered a splash pad.
Since I forgot his swim gear, I just stripped RJ down to his desperately needing to be changed diaper. He didn't really like the unpredictability of the water (or was it the little girl who kept grabbing his cheeks and saying, "oh, you're such a cute baby") so we didn't stay long, which was good since I also did not come prepared with sunscreen.
Third stop: Nature reserve area
I didn't know what to expect here, but was pleasantly surprised to find the Discovery Pond - a child friendly nature discovery area.
In the building, we found turtles...
and puzzles!
Fourth stop: Chihuly Glass Bridge outside the Tacoma Glass Museum (which we skipped because I was exhausted!)
Fifth stop: Union Station
More Chihuly art (notice the obsessive theme here?) inside Union Station
Outside Union Station
Sixth stop: get us home awake!

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