Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth!

Nothing says, "I love the USA" more than a trip to...
RJ pretty excited about the new staircase he has to climb.
We went to the parade in Kirkland. Here's RJ waving at the people in the parade. He didn't quite get the concept of beating the other kids to the candy.
Mermaid float for Claire (even she knows mermaids are just pretend, but she did prove to be quite the "mermaid hunter" in the pool) - and Ana and Jimmy! (and the other 999,998 fooled:

Our day ended with an evening swim at Lake Washington just a five minute walk from our house.
RJ was more excited about the sand than the water.
On Friday, we went to the library. I don't know why I didn't learn my lesson in Spring Green when I took him to the library and all he wanted to do was climb on the furniture, which resulted in him falling off the chair and screaming bloody murder. So, off we went to the library in Kirkland, and, guess what? He was running to a shelf to get a book and tripped and fell right on the shelf. Screaming. Blood oozing from his mouth. His tooth cut through his bottom he is showing off his wound. Obviously, he wasn't too traumatized.

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