Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Seventeen Months

It's hard to believe RJ is 17 months already! He is a mostly happy little boy who loves to be silly, is practicing being loud (after being with his cousins for most of June) and is in to EVERYTHING. He scares himself by screaming loudly and then laughing, imitates everything and lets you know when he does not want to do something. And if you don't understand the first time, he is more than happy to clarify by repeating his NO! loud and clear. Although very happy, he also has meltdowns over everything...he wants water, then he doesn't want water, then he just doesn't want us to give him water and wants to do things himself. Then gets frustrated when he can't do things himself and gets mad because no one is helping him... So, basically, he is a toddler.

Imitating Dad...
I would love to blame the biting on Cecelia and Lydia, who seemed to enjoy torturing each other by biting. I guess when you don't have a sibling to bite, you just bite yourself.
Hiding behind the curtain
RJ collecting seashells
Becoming more brave in the water
The Space Needle - zoomed in view from our beach

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