Sunday, June 21, 2015

Lake Metigoshe

After the Peace Gardens, we headed to Lake Metigoshe to have dinner at the camper.
RJ and Doug went swimming even though it was a bit chilly.
Grandpa and RJ thought whatever the turtle was doing was hilarious.
Sara and Julia eating dinner
Grandma and RJ eating
Doug testing out the scooter
RJ thought the camper door was perfect for sticking out his head.

Mystical Horizons
RJ was begging us all day to climb something, so he was pretty happy when he found this wall.
When you stand in this spot, you can watch the sunset through the stones on the summer and winter solstice.
It was completely random that we were there on the summer solstice, but it was going to be a two hour wait for the sunset and the kids needed to go to bed.
And we found a rock to climb

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