Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kalina Visit

We spent a day at the Kalina's lake house and had a college roomies reunion.
Em and Julia
Julia was not exactly thrilled to be in an infant life jacket.
Julia on the trampoline
Lake view
Charlie and RJ playing
The Girls - Julia, Addison, Avery, Sophie and Ruby dog
Jacob, RJ, Charlie and Avery roughhousing in the basement
The kids fishing - Avery, Charlie, Jacob, Addison, RJ, Doug and Sophie
Addison, Sophie & Jacob fishing in the sunset
Addison's big catch!
College Roomies - Sara, Sara & Em
Another night that RJ is up waaaay past bedtime

Morning at the Lake
Doug and Kelly assessing the water before they jump in for a morning swim. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the loon trying to attack Doug on his way back to shore.
Charlie and RJ on floaties
Charlie and RJ wrestling

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