Monday, September 29, 2014


RJ was so excited about watching all the activity at the airport. He talked nonstop from the moment we left for the airport until we got to Aunt Donna and Sitoo's in Miami.

Julia meeting Sitoo.

Sara, Julia and Sitoo (with RJ in the background)

Sara, Julia, Sitoo and RJ

RJ, Sara and Julia at the University

Family photo outside Donna's office

RJ was told to hold the sign, so he followed orders. I think he thought this person was real!

RJ and Julia in Donna's cabinet chair.

Julia ready for the pool and looking a little like Grandma Diane.

Julia's first time in a pool with Daddy

Julia's first time in a pool with Mommy and RJ. She loved it and was completely calm the whole time.

Daddy and RJ finishing their swim for the day

Beach Time!!!!!
We spent a morning on South Beach. Here's the view as you walk out of the building where Donna has a condo.

The boys playing in the sand

Julia's first time in the ocean in 3, 2, 1...

A little too chilly for her!!!

RJ deciding the water was too rough for him.

So, he sat on the beach and threw sand in his hair while Doug swam. You can see his arm in the picture.

Football Time!!!!!
Doug and RJ ready for the game - Miami vs. Duke at SunLife Stadium 7:30pm

RJ and Sara ready for the game

RJ posing for silly pictures.

RJ looks like he is playing with fire. Doug and I were playing with fire by keeping RJ up waaaay past his bed time. He stayed up until 11pm every night we were there.

Our seats...We got to sit in the President's box. This was quite a treat.

RJ was beside himself with all the excitement.

Around the house...
Sitoo rocking Julia to sleep.

RJ is getting really good at riding a trike.

Julia slept so Mommy could relax in the pool by herself.

RJ showing Sitoo what a good jumper he is.

Doug, RJ and Sitoo

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