Sunday, September 14, 2014

Driving Lessons

RJ is obsessed with driving the car. Something tells me he will be driving a tractor by next summer. In the meantime, he does a great job being a backseat driver. Comments I've heard from the backseat...

regarding my speed:
"Slow down, Mommy! You're driving too fast!"
"Go faster, Mommy!"

my attending skills:
"Mommy, Stop! Stop! Stop! The traffic light is red!"
"Go, Mommy, Go. The light is green now."
(Can you tell he has Go Dog Go memorized???)
"Mommy, stop at that stop sign."

my hearing skills:
"Mommy, the music is too loud."

my parking skills:
"Mommy, why you taking that dude's parking spot?"
"Mommy, park in THAT parking spot."

and my favorite which I heard one morning driving to preschool. It was completely quiet in the car (which is a miracle in and of itself) and all of a sudden from the backseat I hear...
"Mommy, you're doing a good job driving."

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