Friday, August 5, 2022


The mosquitoes in the back yard are intense. After 15 minutes outside, I had 15 bites. Sara was looking at the mosquito bites when she saw a scab that looked pretty bad. Earlier in the day at work, I touched the area and it was a bit tender so I told Sara to investigate.

Twenty minutes later Sara extracted a splinter that resembled a large thorn. At first I hypothesized that I got it biking to church ... the path was completely overgrown so the normally 3-4 foot wide path was only about 1 foot wide. This meant that you would get brushed on the legs by weeds and bushes as you pedaled past. I definitely got poison ivy, but this could have been from something else. 

Extracted splinter - you can see 2 of the 15 mosquito bites to the right of the hole

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