Saturday, July 30, 2022

Peach Picking 2022

WOW! The peach tree came through. Thanks to a larger population of foxes, the squirrels were held at bay until the last 4 days before harvest. Three squirrels were relocated.

The tree was so full of peaches, we had to prop it with a makeshift scaffold



This year there was no June drop, so we got lots of smaller peaches. Next year we may thin a bit so we get some bigger ones. 

2022 Peach Bowl
Doug       750   Final 
Squirrels    30 
2022 Apple Bowl
Doug         5  3rd
Squirrels    30 

Although not on the scoreboard, the Peach Bowl had a third participant which we will call "bugs, worms, and other vermin." Lack of spraying chemicals earned us organic status, but resulted in 25% of the crop having holes and rot that needed to be cut out of the final product.

About 500 of the peaches on the back porch

Kids setup a peach stand since we had plenty of peaches

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