Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween 2021

Pumpkin Carving

The kids took over a lot of the pumpkin carving this year. Julia picked an easy one and did most of it by herself. RJ picked an 'advanced' pattern, but we got it done!

Pumpkin Carving

When lit, the results looked good!

Neighborhood Party

Pizza and the parade in the caul-de-sacs resumed this year.

Neighborhood kids Pre-parade


Did somebody say Candy? After Doug threw away the remnants of last year's haul the prior week, the kids went out again on Halloween night. RJ, Bradley, and Geoff Gray were on a mission to cover as much ground and collect as much candy as possible. Towards the end of the night (9pm ish) I think they accomplished their mission.

Not to be outdone, Julia dragged Sara around the neighborhood and accumulated a big stash! And Sara was proud of her 24,000 steps.

This should last us a couple weeks

All Saints Day 2021

St. Mary prepares to deliver the prayers of the faithful during mass on All Saints Day.

Julia enters church dressed as St. Mary

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