Saturday, October 2, 2021

Covid Quarantine

Doug decided to get a hernia operation at the same time that Sara decided to test positive for Covid. So we did some stuff around the house.

We cut the lawn

RJ cut using the rider mower and Julia push mowed the trim and hilly spots. Doug managed the process since he was not supposed to lift due to hernia surgery. 

We played Ratrace

Ratrace status as of 10:05 p.m.

The game lasted 3 hours, so we had to take a break. Julia almost won, but she got divorced while in high society. RJ went bankrupt, but came back strong in the lower class by betting on the stock market and mooching off high society. 

Notice the sloppy Green's Furniture business that was managed by RJ. Not noticeable was the super slow service provided by Black's Art Gallery, managed by Julia. Doug bought 3 Plaster Busts of Beethoven. 

Too Much Screen Time

Other random things:
  • RJ ran 2 km in 9m 15sec
  • Tried to look at microorganisms in a microscope (unsuccessful)
  • Tried to cook green beans (unsuccessful)
  • Thanks to friends for helping out (kids teachers provided gift card to Lost Dog Cafe, Ms. Kimberly bought us fruit, Janelle made dinner for us)
Such an emergency requires some time watching screens. Dad worked most of the weekend trying to implement multiple base currencies in Acumatica while RJ talked to Milo and built a lot of things in Minecraft, and Julia talked to Nora and watched Odd Squad videos.
Screen time in lower level

After the nightmare was over we took this picture

The annual wedding picture took place on October 24 this year.
Better never than late (or something like that)

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