Sunday, August 1, 2021

Kidney Stone - Chapter 2


Almost 3 years ago, I passed a 4mm kidney stone. While diagnosing the problem, the CT scan uncovered 2 additional stones of 2mm and 8mm. These stones were not in a position to cause any issues, so I ignored them. Turns out that ignoring them was not a great choice. 

Summer 2020 - Present

Over the past year after vigorous exercise, I felt like I had been kicked in the left groin ... after taking aspirin and sleeping all night the pain usually subsided. I attributed this pain to my gastrointestinal issues because it felt like gas that would not pass. 

Coming to this conclusion showed that my brain had gone through great efforts to forget what happened 2 years and 10 months ago. Had I gone back and read my kidney stone blog post, I would have noticed how I described the pain ... 

"The pain was a mix of really bad gas pressure mixed with being kicked in the groin."

Interesting description that perfectly matches the pain I was having ... doh! Between that and knowing I had 2 stones in my left kidney ... you would have thought that I could have figured it out!  

July 31, 11:00pm - Ouch

After being on the boat all day and eating a large meal, a level 9-10 pain started on my left side. This went on for about 5 hours with 2 breaks of level 5 pain for 30 minutes each. After throwing up and burping uncontrollably, I decided a trip to the ER was needed.

Aug 1, 6:30am - CT Scan

After waiting my turn (with a level 7-9 pain) behind an army of substance abusers, it was my turn to be seen by the ER doctor. He asked a few questions and ordered a CT scan. Lying flat on the machine exasperated the pain to the point that tears were flowing. 

Aug 1, 8:10am - Whew

The nurse came in with some morphine and asked for a urine sample. Wow. Instant (I'm talking 3 seconds) relief. Pain level 0. 

Aug 1, 9:13am - Newsflash

In a text to Sara I write 

"No results yet, but based on the request for a urine sample, I'm thinking that they might be tracking a kidney stone."

Wow ... it only took a little over a year and 6 pieces of evidence for my brain to process the obvious.

Waiting for Sara and the kids at 11:00am. May still have some morphine in my system.

Aug 5, 7:30am - Bye bye stones

Since the 8mm stone could not pass through the ureter, the urologist decided to laser the thing and pull out the pieces. While in there, he zapped the 2mm stone as well. 

In one week I end my stint with the stent in my ureter. And with no more stones in my kidneys, I'm hoping that there will be no Kidney Stones - Chapter 3 blog post.

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