Thursday, December 30, 2021

Christmas Break

There was limited skiing at Whitetail over Christmas break. Unseasonably warm weather resulted in only two trails being open. The kids made the most of what was there ... riding until 2 minutes AFTER the lifts closed on most days. 

Kids and Sara missed the last lift 3 of 4 days!

Julia learns to snowboard!

Bristol helped Julia learn to snowboard. RJ hung out with the Whitetail gang. Doug liked that Julia's snowboard has a picture of a person being run over on it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Bachelor Week

Sara and the kids are 'skiing' in Whitetail. Things around the house are starting to get out-of-control. Take a look at all the dishes that are piling up in the sink.

Three days of dishes

Truth is that some pots/pans were washed and there is 1 plate that didn't make it to the sink yet. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas at Whitetail

Christmas Eve

After mass at St. Luke in Mercersburg, PA


The washing machine decided to stop oscillating and spinning, so we took it apart spun it around, gave it a pep talk and it started working again. We decided it was a good time to get outselves a Christmas present but the depth of the closet was a key factor in the selection of our next washer/dryer.

With the help of the Saunder's tools, we installed a lock in our attic storage space.



Christmas Day

We asked Santa for some snow this year, but it was up to the folks at Whitetail this year. They made some snow, but the slopes didn't open. 

Walter the Rescue Dog

Grandad and Aunt Debbie made the trip from Baltimore to Whitetail for Christmas Linner.

Grandad, Aunt Debbie, Walter, and Kids


Legos, Legos, Legos

Julia got a technic set for her Dash robot and an elf club house. RJ got a Lego powered Car. Sara worked hard to build the motorized Lego car and RJ took it for a test run...

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Clearview Manner Decorations Winner

 Sara when all in with Christmas decorations this year. Between that, Aunt Donna's train gift, bribing the judges with candy canes, being 2 of the judges, and driving/influencing most of the other judges  were able to log a win!

Two of the judges bask in the victory

The House Looked Good at Night

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Weekend in Williamsburg

Family took a trip to Williamsburg, VA to learn about Yorktown, Jamestown, and early American history.

We sort of learned about those things. But more importantly, we built a Pinecone Navy at Jamestown and ran around the maze at the Governor's Palace.

Running through the maze at the Governor's Mansion


Pinecone Navy (circles around most pinecones)

Loved the auction, $1,200 for a bell?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Trains 2021-22

We setup the O gauge trains in the basement this year. This year featured 3 concentric tracks and a new Whitetail display. Julia's critters spent time riding the rails.

Some serious tracks and switching this year

Whitetail featured 4 slopes and a line of cars caused by a proposed security gate

We had a few visitors ... but no train party.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Hiking at Whitetail

During a quick getaway before ski season, we did an early morning hike. With most of the leaves on the ground, visibility was great.

Sara tries to find all 23 trails

The mountain bike trails provided a great walking path. We encountered moss, leaves, and tried out many hiking sticks. Then we found a cliff to climb up.

Hiking the blue mountain bike trail

Monday, November 15, 2021

Warren's surprise visit

While eating dinner one night, the doorbell rang ... it was the Warrens!

Mr. Jim and Mrs. Laura make a surprise visit!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans' Day 2021

Veterans' Day Service

The fourth grade class lead the St. Agnes service in honor of Veterans' Day. RJ got to do the prayers of the faithful.

4th Grade Photo

Veterans' Day Holiday

Sara took the kids to Arlington National Cemetery for Veterans' Day. After finding relatives grave sites, watching a parade, and some photo opportunities they headed down to the Air and Space Museum. A short expedition turned into a 5-6 hour trek.

Veterans' Day at Arlington National Cemetary

Flyover in DC (Doug got to see them turn around in McLean)

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween 2021

Pumpkin Carving

The kids took over a lot of the pumpkin carving this year. Julia picked an easy one and did most of it by herself. RJ picked an 'advanced' pattern, but we got it done!

Pumpkin Carving

When lit, the results looked good!

Neighborhood Party

Pizza and the parade in the caul-de-sacs resumed this year.

Neighborhood kids Pre-parade


Did somebody say Candy? After Doug threw away the remnants of last year's haul the prior week, the kids went out again on Halloween night. RJ, Bradley, and Geoff Gray were on a mission to cover as much ground and collect as much candy as possible. Towards the end of the night (9pm ish) I think they accomplished their mission.

Not to be outdone, Julia dragged Sara around the neighborhood and accumulated a big stash! And Sara was proud of her 24,000 steps.

This should last us a couple weeks

All Saints Day 2021

St. Mary prepares to deliver the prayers of the faithful during mass on All Saints Day.

Julia enters church dressed as St. Mary

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Hanging around with friends

 Fall weather ... outdoor play!

Poppy, Summer, Julia

No worries ... I have a parachute

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Green Team Hockey

RJ gets a different team color (and a different number) each season. Now we are rooting for green #21.

Kudos to #19 for a great pass.

Face-off, Rebound, Score.

RJ found Mr. Brad, Carter, and Caleb at the rink on Nov 13

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Covid Quarantine

Doug decided to get a hernia operation at the same time that Sara decided to test positive for Covid. So we did some stuff around the house.

We cut the lawn

RJ cut using the rider mower and Julia push mowed the trim and hilly spots. Doug managed the process since he was not supposed to lift due to hernia surgery. 

We played Ratrace

Ratrace status as of 10:05 p.m.

The game lasted 3 hours, so we had to take a break. Julia almost won, but she got divorced while in high society. RJ went bankrupt, but came back strong in the lower class by betting on the stock market and mooching off high society. 

Notice the sloppy Green's Furniture business that was managed by RJ. Not noticeable was the super slow service provided by Black's Art Gallery, managed by Julia. Doug bought 3 Plaster Busts of Beethoven. 

Too Much Screen Time

Other random things:
  • RJ ran 2 km in 9m 15sec
  • Tried to look at microorganisms in a microscope (unsuccessful)
  • Tried to cook green beans (unsuccessful)
  • Thanks to friends for helping out (kids teachers provided gift card to Lost Dog Cafe, Ms. Kimberly bought us fruit, Janelle made dinner for us)
Such an emergency requires some time watching screens. Dad worked most of the weekend trying to implement multiple base currencies in Acumatica while RJ talked to Milo and built a lot of things in Minecraft, and Julia talked to Nora and watched Odd Squad videos.
Screen time in lower level

After the nightmare was over we took this picture

The annual wedding picture took place on October 24 this year.
Better never than late (or something like that)

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Impact of Anesthesia

Hernia surgery started at 8:30 a.m. and ended at 9:30ish.

After the surgery I somehow got dressed (vaguely remember 2 people helping me pull on sweatpants), rode an elevator down 4 levels, and got home. This is in contrast to the times at Virginia Hospital Center when I can remember everything about the recovery room.

For the rest of the day, I was not allowed to drive or make any financials decisions. But nobody can tell Doug what to do, so ...

I did what any person under the influence of anesthesia would do ... I bet on the Baltimore Orioles!!

Don't Bet While Drunk or Under Anesthesia

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Mom's Vacay


Grandma Diane was inducted into the West Tech Hall of Fame, 
so Sara met her siblings in Cleveland for the ceremony.

The inductees
             Sara, Anastasia, Jimmy, Diane, Bob, Donna         Pope Francis wouldn't miss it!                                                   

Ana, Bob, Diane, Bev, Susie, David, Jimmy (no whiskey, so he had to drink wine)

Chuck, Donna, Tim (also traded whiskey for wine), 
Chrissy, Leanne, Ellen, Fran, Agnes

Fall Football Fun!

RJ and Sara got tickets to watch NDSU vs. Towson football game. 
Football in shorts and t-shirts feels different!
Julia and Doug hung out with Grandad.

RJ and Thundar 

The players came to thank the fans after the big win.
Luckily, we ate (one of everything!) before we touched all these players.
We used lots of hand sanitizer afterwards too!


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Cross Country - another RJ sport

RJ and his friend Milo joined the cross country team. Practices were at Overlook Park on Tuesday nights.

Coach Matt addresses team at practice

Trail running obstacles (Oct 23 practice)

After a few practices St. Agnes had their first track meet. RJ ran 2km in 9 min, 12 seconds. That was good for 3rd place among 48 boys. It would have been 2nd place had one kid not taken a short cut.

RJ gets off to a fast start

Finish line!

At practice on October 24, Robert Brandt (Olympic hopeful) provided some motivation.

Team pic with coaches and guest motivator Robert Brandt

Robert and Robert