Saturday, July 8, 2017

Pimmit Run - Hike #2

Weather: 84 degrees and sunny
Equipment: 5 month old hiking boots, water shoes and hiking shoes for kids
Mission: Get to Fort Marcy
Distance: 3.8 mile round trip

After 5 months complaining and agnsting about not making it to Fort Marcy, we decided to repeat a prior hike (February Pimmit Run Hike) ... this time it was hot ... this time we packed water shoes.

Hike Synopsis

P: Parking in February was easier. Lot was full so we had to improvise by finding a spot in a neighborhood - thereby adding a big hill to the hike.

1: Off to a good start

2: RJ puts on water shoes, Julia gets in backpack carrier. We cross without getting wet!

3: Mission accomplished, we arrive a Fort Marcy! What!?!?! Just a parking lot and a sign? Five months of build up for this!

4: Whew! We find 2 old cannons to salvage our expectations.

5: Stop at a picnic bench for a snack. Eat fresh garden peas, grapes, and cheese-its. Find raspberry plants and eat some. Find an entrance to route 123 and begin planning next hike.

6: Don water shoes again, successfully cross without getting wet and decide to build a dam. During dam building RJ slips and falls in water - reinforcing decision not to do this in February.

Next Hike: Mom drops us off and then we can hike home.

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