Monday, February 6, 2017

Hiking in February at Pimmit Run

Weather: 62 degrees and sunny
Equipment: One day old hiking boots from Marshalls
Post Acumatica Summit: Day off

All this equates to a great hiking opportunity. RJ wanted to explore a new trail, so we tried Pimmit Run.

First worry: it would not be exciting enough

That worry was quickly dismissed. We discovered rocks to throw, ice to break, and a huge climb that scared both kids to the point where they begged to go the other way. (grr ... should have gotten some pictures of the vertical so CPS would take the kids away).

After turning around we reached a sign which said "Fort Marcy 0.2 miles". The only problem was that you had to cross a stream/river to get there. Doh. We decided that wet shoes were not a good choice. Next time!

Afterwards ...

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