Monday, July 31, 2017

National Gallery of Art

RJ has been asking to go to the National Gallery of Art for two months. Today was the last day for the children's program, so we went to check it out.
After looking at a specific piece of art and talking about how it was made, what materials and how it made us feel. We then listened to a story called, "ART" about a boy named art and his art. Then RJ got to make his own art. Julia wasn't old enough, but she was very patient as she watched RJ work.
Then we had a picnic lunch at the sculpture garden. Julia is licking the applesauce off her leg. Her shoe and sock are off because there was "something in it."
After lunch, we explored the sculptures.

Sunday, July 30, 2017




Silly faces

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Merrifield Garden Center

A trip to the Garden Center was needed to purchase something to get rid of my vine borer (squash and zukes) and figure out why my basil was dying. After some good advice from the information desk guys, we ran around and had a photo shoot.

Julia and mom

Julia happy to be 3 (Let's face it, we all are!)

The many


of Julia.

RJ got the camera.

He's great at including himself in the picture (finger).

In addition to his great photo taking, RJ spent most of the visit righting the plants that blew over in the storm the night before.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Rainy Day Fun

All ready for our rain walk!
Checking the neighbor's rain gauge - 2"
(And this is why I had been temporarily banned from the blog...too many pictures, but I just can't decide!)

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Pimmit Run - Hike #2

Weather: 84 degrees and sunny
Equipment: 5 month old hiking boots, water shoes and hiking shoes for kids
Mission: Get to Fort Marcy
Distance: 3.8 mile round trip

After 5 months complaining and agnsting about not making it to Fort Marcy, we decided to repeat a prior hike (February Pimmit Run Hike) ... this time it was hot ... this time we packed water shoes.

Hike Synopsis

P: Parking in February was easier. Lot was full so we had to improvise by finding a spot in a neighborhood - thereby adding a big hill to the hike.

1: Off to a good start

2: RJ puts on water shoes, Julia gets in backpack carrier. We cross without getting wet!

3: Mission accomplished, we arrive a Fort Marcy! What!?!?! Just a parking lot and a sign? Five months of build up for this!

4: Whew! We find 2 old cannons to salvage our expectations.

5: Stop at a picnic bench for a snack. Eat fresh garden peas, grapes, and cheese-its. Find raspberry plants and eat some. Find an entrance to route 123 and begin planning next hike.

6: Don water shoes again, successfully cross without getting wet and decide to build a dam. During dam building RJ slips and falls in water - reinforcing decision not to do this in February.

Next Hike: Mom drops us off and then we can hike home.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4 - McLean to Great Falls

We headed out to Great Falls for a 4th of July parade. The parade was pretty good, but the after party was even better.

RJ hops to the next marker on the obstacle course. After a fall on round one, he made it to the end on rounds two & three.

Julia braved the slide and got a snow cone. Special thanks to the random anonymous lady that hooked us up with 5 tickets because she was leaving and not using them!

Not pictured: enough candy from the parade to give 2 kids a belly-ache until Halloween.