Sunday, October 11, 2015

NYC Day 2

We decided to check out where Doug spent a couple years of his life.
Doug and RJ in Washington Square Park
Happy Anniversary! RJ took this nice picture for us.
Sara, RJ and Julia pretending to be zombies (I Am Legend, as well as many other movies, were taped here.)
Playing at Bleecker Playground across the street from Magnolia Bakery
Walking along the High Line - A walking path created above the city to walk where the old train used to run. You can see in this picture the train went into this building.
This part of the walk, you can pose in the window to the right over the street and it looks like you are in a shopping window.
RJ was less than thrilled about this picture.
There is always something going on in Times Square. We just happened to walk up when these guys walked right in front of us. Turns out, they are The Vamps. Maybe someday they will be famous.
RJ too tired to enjoy Times Square
Julia was also done, or she was practicing her drama skills for her own broadway show.

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