Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sick and Tired

I'm sick of being tired and tired of being sick, so decided I definitely needed to see a doctor before Doug left for a week. So, here's a summary of our Saturday.

5 inches of snow (and that was just a few hours in the morning, we got more as the day went on)
4 medications
3 1/2 hours in CVS "minute" clinic
2 infections (sinus and strep) and patient children
1 awesome husband who willingly drove me to the clinic, entertained RJ for 3 1/2 hours by trying on every pair of sunglasses in the store, shoveled the five inches of snow when we got home and then left for the airport headed to California - the only state in the nation that has warm temperatures today.

RJ picked out these sunglasses specifically for Uncle Jimmy. (Where does he get these ideas???)

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