Monday, February 9, 2015

RJ is 3!!!!!

It is hard to believe RJ is three! He was so excited about his birthday. We had many celebrations.

Pretending to nap to avoid pictures

Being silly on the chair

Finally posing after threatening to not let him open gifts. ;)

Celebration #1 was with his grandparents.
RJ opening a truck that was Doug's when he was little.
Working on a puzzle while Dad and GrandDad were picking up the pizza.
Family picture with his requested decorate your own cupcakes "like Lydia and Celia" (Thanks Auntie Ana for the brilliant idea!)
Julia and Grandmother Chris

Celebration #2 with Ryan and Monica
This was not really a planned party. They were coming over for dinner and when I got out the cupcakes, RJ insisted having candles and singing since that was what we had done earlier in the day with his grandparents. Ryan and Monica were our first visitors the day we brought RJ home from the hospital.

Julia and Ryan

Ryan and Monica with kids

Family photo

Fun with Simon

Celebration #3 was with just our family on his actual birthday.

This balloon was on our mailbox when we came home. He was so excited about it. He had many guesses on who put it there including: Grandmother Chris, Santa, John and Valerie, Christy and Mr. Jim and Ms. Laura. The Warrens called later to sing to him which he was also pretty excited about and loudly exclaimed, "Thank you!"

RJ grabbed the sprinkles and decorated his cupcakes while I was distracted talking to Auntie Ana who had called to sing to him.

Patiently waiting for Dad to come home so he could open presents.

"Reading" Christy's post on facebook. "Happy birthday RJ! I can't believe you are 3 already. I hate that I don't get to see you grow up and play with you everyday. I hope one day you will understand how much you mean to me! You always bring a smile to my face, always make my days brighter, and you bring me so much joy! I hope you have a great day and I will see you soon! Love you!"

Mom with RJ and Julia

Dad with RJ and Julia

Celebration #4 was at preschool.
He had fun putting the sprinkles on the cupcakes, but then told me that he didn't want a party at school because it was too loud.

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