Saturday, April 21, 2012

April Activities

Doug comes into the house looking like this. When he saw himself in the mirror he said, "I can't believe you didn't freak out."
RJ and his favorite Auntie on his dad's side of the family...
Smiles! (10 weeks old here)
RJ slept for an hour one morning, so I had time to make this much needed plastic bag holder.
RJ upset about his new book falling apart
Coincidently, I had just bought a binding machine for $3 at a yard sale the weekend before so I was able to fix it. And Doug didn't understand why we needed this...Clearly, everyone needs one of these. ;)
Colleagues and their babies (almost all boys!)
Melissa (girl due June?), DeeDee (boy due May), Sara & RJ (2.5 mos.), Bridget & Drew (7 mos.), Sara & Ben (10 mos.), Jane & Wheeler (14 mos.)