Friday, June 14, 2024

Busch Gardens - free

Our friends Hillary and Francis both had some extra passes to Busch Gardens, so we started the summer with a bang.

Julia qualified for all rides!

We got started with Escape from Pompeii followed by the 'purple' roller coaster ... which was one of the biggest in the park. After that we scaled it back to Clear Spring carnival rides for bit.

Julia rode this 6 times, Doug only survived 2 trips before he was dizzy.

No lines for the horses. Missed the wolves.

Everybody with their cooling towels. It was hot, but not terrible.

We fit a lot in. RJ's favorite ride was the Loch-ness Monster. Sara's favorite ride was the Chat With Hillary and Fran. Julia's favorite ride was the Swings - bug surprise. Doug's favorite ride was the Purple Coaster.

To close things down we went back to Apollos Coaster, the kids rode it about 6 times. Doug gave up after 4.

The kids could have rode forever ... 

After 10 hours and too many rides, Doug was ready for bed

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