Saturday, July 29, 2023

Whitetail Cats

After a week in Whitetail, Sara drove back ... after arriving in McLean, Doug and RJ headed back for some golf and repair work.

  • Mission 1: Replace the 3-year-old broken Samsung TV with the 15 year old Visio TV that still worked.
  • Mission 2: Finish fixing woodpecker holes on porch pillars.
  • Mission 3: Play 1 hour of tennis with John and Annie.
  • Mission 4: Visit Carter and Caleb in Frederick on the way home

Unanticipated Twists:

  • Twist 1: Power out at 3am, not restored until after we left
  • Twist 2: While on mission 2 RJ spotted 2 very young kittens. A brave and social one we called Blacktail and a very shy nearly identical looking twin.
One cat was very brave and friendly, he was hungry/thirsty but not much interested in a peach

Blacktail walked with RJ and Doug to play tennis. He proved to be a difficult obstacle to avoid. After tennis a lady named Marti gave him some cat food and water. RJ carried him back to our house to find his sibling. 

After failing to find cat #2, Marti made a travel box and we took cat #1 to Frederick to hand off to Marti's daughter who knew a LOT about cats.

Brave cat rode with us to Frederick

A few hours later, Marti found the sibling and re-united the strays

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