Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday Yardwork

 A cool blustery Sunday was perfect for some odd jobs around the yard.

Job 1: Cutting out dead branch from Magnolia tree

A large branch partially broke over the winter. After spending thousands on tree removal earlier this winter, we figured it was time to risk life and limb to save a few bucks.

RJ attaches the bow saw to a rope so Doug could haul it up.
RJ preps some of the timber for the wood chipper


Job 2: Relocating the trampoline

Doug, Sara, RJ, and RJ's friend Milo moved the trampoline to a new location. It's tempting to move it a bit closer to the shed for a "roof jump."

The old location (foreground) and the new location

Job 3: Moving junk pile off Mr. Tom's property

To help Mr. Tom's landscaping guys, I moved the junk pile a few feet into our yard. In the process I uncovered a sleeping turtle who was at the bottom of the pile in the dirt. Once waking from hibernation (or more accurately brumation) he poked his head out ... and in a few hours burrowed back under to sleep some more. The bad news is that the critter is sleeping on some high quality dirt needed for planting asparagus.

Turtle pops out head after being awakened from hibernating.


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