Sunday, May 9, 2021

Planting Grandad's Garden

 The tiller guys did a great job preparing the garden, so "all" that needed to be done was to plant. With plenty of laborers, we were able to knock the job out quickly.

Garden planted!

Gardening Highlights

Everybody helped ... so we were done in 3 hours.

  • RJ dug holes for the plants, tied up all the tomato cages, hoed the rows, moved stakes, organized soaker hoses, helped with the cucumber fencing, and cleared sticks.
  • Julia planted a beans, lima beans, cleaned and helped spread the weed paper, and inserted plant identifying labels into the poles.
  • Sara wore winter clothes ... the kids wore shorts.
The casualties included 2 broken trowels and a few remaining weeds.

There were a couple empty spots at the end. We plan to fill the space with butternut squash and with a couple of our cherry tomato plants that don't have enough space in our garden.

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