Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ski Weekend at Whitetail

On New Year's Day we headed to Whitetail for the kids first attempt at skiing. Shockingly there was pretty good snow on 4-5 trails despite temps in the 50's.

Day 1:
After receiving a lot of flak for not arriving at 11pm on New Year's Eve, Doug decided that we would get the 4pm - 10pm ski pass.

At 3:59:50, skiing began with 'lessons' for RJ. By the end of the day, RJ was skiing greens with more confidence than merited. Next Julia received 'lessons' and encouragement. By the end of the day Julia was riding the magic carpet and holding onto my poles to go down greens.

Why you should not push your luck.

  • RJ convinced me to ski a blue with moguls. After getting 20% down and realizing that we bit off more than we could chew, a ski patrol hero carried RJ down the slope and let him ski the last 30% by himself.
  • Julia and Doug started going faster on greens. Julia turned into me to stop while we were holding onto the same poles. I fell on her head. Sara had to come comfort her.

Day 2:
We convinced the kids to go to ski school/camp to learn what to really do. Great choice! In addition to learning proper technique, the kids got a snack with juice and goodies. Sara and Doug skied wide open, freshly groomed trails in warm weather while the kids learned.

Towards the end of day two Julia was able to turn and aim towards my ski poles near the magic carpet.

After the ski lesson, RJ was declared a skiing savant by the instructors. During the second class session they moved him to a different group which featured an actual race down a green trail.

After class I took this video:

Day 3:
Rain. No skiing.

Day 4:
RJ's buddy Emmett joined the fun for day 4. After rain the day before and 50 degree temps, the trails were starting to show some wear, but we skied all day anyway. By the end of the day, everybody was exhausted. RJ put himself to bed at 10pm - which seems to have become the standard bedtime at the ski house.

Julia and Sara skiing a green trail.

RJ became a bit crazy. Skiing near the edge and looking for trouble became part of the norm. Quick turns after exiting ski lifts gave RJ the opportunity to jump down short cliffs. I need to make note of directions to the nearest hospital.

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