Monday, December 2, 2019

Happy Birthday Doug from VA DMV

My driver's license expired on my birthday. This is standard operating procedure. Plan 1 was to renew my license during a 1/2 day off a month ago - but the two hour wait prevented it. Plan 2 was to renew my license the Friday after Thanksgiving - but the DMV was closed. Plan 3 was to renew my license the Saturday after Thanksgiving - but the DMV was closed. Plan 4 was to arrive before the DMV opened on Dec 2 - but 5 minutes before opening there was already a 1 hour wait and I had to take the kids to the dentist in 1 hour.

Plan Desperate was to go to the DMV after the dentist appointment and get to parent/teacher conferences by 12:15pm. As you can see from the check in time on the ticket below, this was cutting it close.

There was 20 people ahead of us. The kids were hungry, so we decided to go to Subway for a 10:30am lunch. There was no parking at the first Subway, so I parked in a a reserved spot. After spotting a tow truck who was towing cars, we decided to go to the Subway at my old office. With some poking a prodding, we ate lunch and got back to the DMV by 11:05am to discover that the parking lot was full. So we waited for a spot to open up.

At 11:10am, we walked in. At 11:11am, they called my number. WHEW!

After saying hi to Melissa Gray, we scurried over to the book fair/parent teacher conferences - and made it with 10 minutes to spare. Double WHEW!

P.S. Shout out to all the DMV people who were very friendly.

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