Saturday, November 10, 2018

Johnson Family Reunion

November 10, 2018, Kipling, NC We had a great time at the Johnson Family Reunion at the farm in North Carolina. The event was full of history and outdoor activities including hiking, horses, soccer, fireworks, stoking the fire, 4x4 rides, and hay rides.

Opening night sign in with name tags and chili.

It wouldn't be a trip to the farm without a hike to the waterfall rock. Kids loved the hike.

Kudos to Aunt Debbie for taking off her shoes and helping everybody get across the stream with dry feet. We did a good job keeping our feet dry until RJ slipped on some brown moss while throwing leaves in the waterfall.

RJ spent a lot of time throwing sticks in the fire. On the first night, we walked around in the dark looking for sticks ... by Day 3 (pictured below) RJ was pulling wood off of the regular log piles.

We also spent time diagramming our family tree. This turned into quite the art project.

Amazingly everybody lined up for pictures of the entire family as well as one with just the Eliot & Dorothy descendants.

The farm was in excellent shape due to an arrangement between Tim and a local guy (Mike?) who is boarding his horses at the farm. He let the kids pet and ride horses. The only issue is that the horses would not eat hay ... so much for the saying "hey is for horses." Don't worry ... the electric fence was turned off.

Kudos to Uncle David for getting some good pictures of the farm.

The general store.

The new house (constructed in 19??)

Trip to the graveyard featured fire ants and climbing deer hunting lookouts

And last but not least ... there is always time to play catch with a box of dynamite in from of a 4 year old.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Tracey. I spent most of my summers in Kipling N.C, my Grandfather's name was Atlas Johnson,my grandmother's name was Larue. They lived on the other side behind Johnson farm on route 2. I am currently writing some stories that are based on my childhood there on the farm. Stories about our wild ramblings and the wonders of this small town, Kipling is beautiful place steeped in the history of the area. It would be nice to hear from you maybe you knew my family maybe not. I love if you would contribute some of your experience. my email is Best Regards Tracey Santana
