Monday, October 29, 2018

Kidney Stone

Oct 30, 1:05am - Ouch

Perhaps the scariest thing this Halloween season was the excruciating pain I woke up with at 1am on Oct 29. The pain was a mix of really bad gas pressure mixed with being kicked in the groin. After the pain persisted for 30 minutes, I ended up in the ER. The Dr. quickly diagnosed a kidney stone ... and the CT scan validated the findings ... a 3mm stone ... and 2 more blips in the kidney.

Oct 30, 4:00am - Whew

After the scan and some pain killers, I couldn't feel a thing ... so I went home and got 2 hours of sleep. There was very little pain in the morning, so I loaded up the truck and drove to work.

Oct 30, 8:00am - Ouch Again

Big mistake. When I got to work, I spent 2 hours lying on the floor ... throwing up in my office trash can.

Oct 30, 11:00am - Intermission

After taking some nausea meds and Tylenol, the pain was very mild, so I headed home and did some work.

Oct 30, 3:00pm - OUCH!

Pain was back and I threw up again ... even with the Zofran. The next 12 hours were particularly fun ... the most comfortable position involved pacing around like a zombie. I did this for about 6 hours. Even watching TV was out because I couldn't focus.

Oct 31, 4:45am - Pop

While pacing around the kitchen in the dark, I felt a tweak in my side and a split-second pinch at the tip of my urethra. And as quickly as it came, the pain subsided. Self-diagnosis ... stone had moved to the bladder.

Nov 2, 12:05pm - Plink

After peeing through a strainer for 2 days, I decided to give up on catching the stone. Since I was still pain free, I figured that the stone had somehow dissolved. So of course the very next time I urinated, I saw a black object go plink into the urinal. And yes ... I reached in and got it.

Nov 2, 7:00pm - Closeup

I wasn't keen on sharing this with the office, so I waited until I got home to take a look ... GROSS!

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