Sunday, June 25, 2017

Julia Turns Three

Happy Birthday Julia

Julia was pretty excited about her birthday - almost as excited as Mom. After church we headed home to meet Granddad and start the celebration.

Mom made an awesome pinata from paper-mache - the pictures don't do it justice. RJ and Julia took turns swinging the baseball bat and picking up candy. Even Mom and Granddad got in on the action.

Next Julia opened presents. Lots of cool things arrived including books, a home-made sandwich kit, a sleeping bag and a pillowcase, money-money-money, Lego, and a sticker book with clothes to put on girls. Opening all the packages or eating pinata candy may have been the best part.

We went to lunch at the Diner where RJ and Dad visited when Julia was being born.

Then we came home for train cake! Notice the train dress matched the cake. Thanks Bradley for lending us the engine!

The rest of the day involved playing outside and not taking a nap. So, when bedtime arrived, Julia ended up spending 7 minutes screaming in the garage for not listening. Oh well ... only one more year to go until she turns 4 ... smile.

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