Saturday, December 19, 2015

Santa and Christmas #2 at Home

The kids were pretty excited about the pajama tour of looking at Christmas lights and finding Santa at his house like we did last year. Unfortunately, it had rained earlier in the day and the big light displays in Arlington were off and Santa must have been snug in his bed.
Luckily, the next night Santa made an appearance in our neighborhood. We heard him coming on the fire truck and ran outside no less than 25 times thinking he was on our street. Here's a selfie of the three of us waiting. RJ said, "Mom, it's a cold winter's night."
There he is!!!!! And he hands out candy canes too!
RJ was incredibly excited about his candy cane.
Our Christmas tree from Mrs. Nelson, our neighbor. Note all the ornaments on the top half of the tree.
I told RJ he couldn't open presents until he smiled for a picture.
The week before, we had this conversation one night:
RJ: (as he puts a Santa hat by the fire place) Mom, I need to put this by the fireplace for Santa.
Mom: Why?
RJ: Well, Santa comes down the chimney and puts treats in stockings, but we don’t have stockings so he can put treats in this hat.
Mom: Really, who told you Santa comes down the chimney?
RJ: My teachers
"Christmas" morning
Julia loves her new puddle jumper. Now she can swim with RJ and Dad.
RJ loves his new combine.
RJ was very proud of himself for writing D-A-D on Dad's gift.
After months of walking around the house shedding little rubber pieces from my worn out slippers, Doug got the hint that I needed new slippers.

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