Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Big Build

The reasonably empty room as we were some of the first to arrive
Mom and RJ using an electric screwdriver. This was right after RJ drilled the hole. The funniest thing I saw all day was a grown woman next to us showing her child how to put in a screw, but was using a drill and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Thank God for patient volunteers and I guess that is the whole point of people can learn!
RJ using the wood planer
Amused with his curly paper like piece he made
Chipping wood
Patiently waiting to hammer nails. One of the few times he smiled while we were there (although he was loving it, just completely overwhelmed).
This is how RJ looked most of the day...very serious.
Hammering nails...lefty?
Nope...that didn't work very well.
RJ using a small hand saw. This man was brave holding his hand in the line of fire.
We found Alec and free tool belts!
RJ clearly did not inherit his mudding skills from his mother. He needed some instruction to put the side of the knife with the mud on it on the wall.
Building a deck with Alec
Preparing the house for siding
Installing new siding with Alec
More hammering
Waiting patiently to instruct the crane operator
RJ and the crane
RJ using hand signals to direct the crane operator

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff ... now RJ can start building a new wooden storage shed for the back yard.
