Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cousin's Visit - Out and About

RJ is getting a little too big for the bucket swing.
The passengers of the train
This picture sums up everything from the whole week - the girls listening and behaving themselves and RJ doing the opposite of everything asked of him.

RJ's desire to lick things is going to push me over the edge as we enter flu season/winter.
So. Disgusting.
Claire riding a horse
RJ and Lydia stop for a snack.
Cecelia, Claire, Lydia and RJ
Cecelia, RJ and Lydia discover the puddles are much more fun than the playground.
I think this was the last evidence we have of dry children.
RJ, Cecelia, Lydia and Claire having lunch outside after the Mr. KnickKnack concert.
RJ, Lydia, Cecelia, Sara, Julia and Claire

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