Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

This year, RJ got to trick or treat three times. Once at preschool, once at Kids Club at the Sport & Health and once in the neighborhood. Here are a few pics from our very exciting week!

The whole class listening to Mrs. Wojcik read a spooky story.

Once I realized how ridiculous his head gear was, I took it off.

RJ could not contain his excitement over his first lollipop!

Our neighborhood has a parade and party before the trick or treating begins.
RJ the astronaut and Mommy kangaroo with her joey (and Nicholas on the side)

Nicholas and RJ

The whole neighborhood crew...One benefit of dressing your child in blaze orange is that you can't lose him!

RJ and Bradley join the parade.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Julia's Baptism

Sara, one month old, with Trina and Ana

Julia dressed (in the same baptismal gown Mom wore) and ready to go!
Waiting for Mass to begin - Grandpa, Lydia, Aunt Donna, Cecelia, Claire and RJ
Julia with her Godparents and Mom and Dad

Julia with Mom and Dad
Before the baptism - Uncle Z keeping Julia happy, Doug, Aunt Donna
Julia with her Godparents - Michael Zajac and Anastasia Martin
Johnson Family
Doug, Sara & Julia with Father
It's impossible to get RJ to sit still, especially after Mass.
Julia looks terrified (and this was after the baptism)
Fritel and Johnson Families
Johnson Family
Doug, Sara, Julia and our Goddaughter Claire
Ana and RJ in his 74 shirt
Ana and Julia
Grandpa, Cecelia, Claire, Julia, RJ, Grandma and Lydia

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cousin's Visit - Out and About

RJ is getting a little too big for the bucket swing.
The passengers of the train
This picture sums up everything from the whole week - the girls listening and behaving themselves and RJ doing the opposite of everything asked of him.

RJ's desire to lick things is going to push me over the edge as we enter flu season/winter.
So. Disgusting.
Claire riding a horse
RJ and Lydia stop for a snack.
Cecelia, Claire, Lydia and RJ
Cecelia, RJ and Lydia discover the puddles are much more fun than the playground.
I think this was the last evidence we have of dry children.
RJ, Cecelia, Lydia and Claire having lunch outside after the Mr. KnickKnack concert.
RJ, Lydia, Cecelia, Sara, Julia and Claire

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Many Faces of Julia

Julia has become quite expressive both verbally and nonverbally in the past month. Here's a few moments Ana captured while she was here...

Puddle Jumping

Who doesn't love puddle jumping?