Friday, June 13, 2014

Garden Update

A few blueberries and our first zucchini!

The worst part about fresh peas from the garden is that RJ loves them just as much as I do, so now I have to share.

Caught this deer in broad daylight not even trying to hide, but was happy to see it avoid my well fenced garden. Shortly after this, I saw it go back to the neighbor's yard where there is a fawn that is not big enough to get over the fence.

Borderline Emergency!!!!! The LAST jar of pickles. Luckily, my cucumber plants have started flowering and I see little cukes starting to appear. (As you can see, I'm well stocked on pickling spice.)

1 comment:

  1. Update: July 27 - another peck of pickles packed using pots on the porch.
