Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Spring Fun

Making a few phone calls before bed. "Beatrix, it's RJ. See you tomorrow."

This is how I found him when he was supposed to be napping one day. And I thought he couldn't take his pants off by himself...never underestimate the motivation of a toddler.

Good thing Doug was at work while this project was going on...

And this was probably how the glitter glue ended up in his hair. (notice the paint handprints all over the table)

Just like Grandma Diane, RJ loves when he completes a puzzle (with A LOT of help).

Learning to fly a kite with Dad and a very cheap kite.

RJ trying to catch the kite

RJ hiding in his pine tree fort

Moon Dough! I decided to try to make this (1 cup baby oil, 8 cups flour). It turned out great, but definitely is an outdoor activity.

Playing with his "new" garage that used to be Doug's.

Watching the wind-up chicken lay eggs.

1 comment:

  1. Humm ... i never thought the kite got that high. That one picture (unless photo shopped) actually makes it look like the kite was flying.
