Friday, May 30, 2014

32 Weeks!

RJ photo bombing my pregnancy pictures. At least we'll know this was kid #2.

Kissing baby

Snuggling baby

Monday, May 26, 2014

Fishing with Grandad

Just when RJ thought life couldn't get more exciting, he was proven wrong. He was SOOOOO excited to go on the boat and go fishing with Grandad. My only instructions were 1) make sure he wears his life jacket and 2) take some good pictures. This was the result:

When they got home, I asked RJ if he wore his life jacket and he responded, "Nope!"

Saturday, May 24, 2014

More May 2014 Fun

My new favorite drink...seltzer water, strawberry ice cubes and orange mint. Refreshing!

RJ's new haircut

Fun playdate with Logan!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 2014

Snuggling with Baby Plum

RJ helping cook and sneaking broccoli. He didn't want me to get a picture of him.

Helping Dad mow the lawn while singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" at the top of his lungs.

McLean Day! Every year, McLean celebrates the town by hosting a full day of activities at the park.
RJ patiently waiting for the train.

So EXCITED to finally get a turn!

Ball pit fun

Driving the fire truck. Life doesn't get any more exciting than this!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

More Spring Fun

Helping Dad grill pizza

Oh, Susannah came to perform a children's concert at church. RJ had a great time singing and dancing.

If you look closely, you can see his sneaky smile on his face like he's getting away with something he's not supposed to be doing.

I left RJ alone to watch the panda cam and when I returned he was so excited, "Mommy, I took off keys!!!!!"

Very focused on his house building...

and pretty proud of the final result before knocking it down.


RJ working on arts and crafts while I obsess about the garden.

Herb garden in front of fenced garden

My new garden labels...I wanted something cheap and found this idea on pinterest. I was pretty proud of myself for making them with branches in the yard, crayons and a swiss army knife.

My plants I started from seed in March ready to be planted!

Spring Fun

Making a few phone calls before bed. "Beatrix, it's RJ. See you tomorrow."

This is how I found him when he was supposed to be napping one day. And I thought he couldn't take his pants off by himself...never underestimate the motivation of a toddler.

Good thing Doug was at work while this project was going on...

And this was probably how the glitter glue ended up in his hair. (notice the paint handprints all over the table)

Just like Grandma Diane, RJ loves when he completes a puzzle (with A LOT of help).

Learning to fly a kite with Dad and a very cheap kite.

RJ trying to catch the kite

RJ hiding in his pine tree fort

Moon Dough! I decided to try to make this (1 cup baby oil, 8 cups flour). It turned out great, but definitely is an outdoor activity.

Playing with his "new" garage that used to be Doug's.

Watching the wind-up chicken lay eggs.


TWO Easter bunnies came to our house this year!

They left a trail of eggs

which sleepy RJ discovered in the morning.

So many fun things!

Ready for church

Family photo in front of our blooming cherry tree

We haven't seen a battery like this in YEARS. I dared Doug to put his tongue on it, but he wouldn't.

Grandad helping RJ open everything in his second Easter basket that the Easter bunny left at his grandparents house.

Easter egg hunt at Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack's. RJ was pretty excited about the money.

And the Easter bunny visited their house and left something for RJ too!

All this excitement is EXHAUSTING! (He wasn't the only one to pass out on the way home.)