Sunday, December 28, 2014

Potty Training Survival

We decided to take on potty training while we were home over the break. Potty training is especially challenging for families who have a difficult time staying home for longer than 2 hours at a time. Seriously, having your child potty trained is not all it's cracked up to be (at least that's what I'm telling myself as the potty training is failing!). Instead of changing diapers, we now need to know where the closest bathroom is at all times, remember to take him on a regular basis and carry extra outfits with us everywhere we go...including socks and shoes (I guess this is why people just hunker down at home for a few days).

Day 1: We decided to run errands and go to the gym. Probably a major parenting error (realized as we were changing him in the gym parking lot because we forgot to bring the suitcase of stuff in with us), but seriously what do you do at home for 3 straight days? We've watched the Potty Power video twice and I swear there is not enough chocolate and alcohol in world to get me through one more viewing of it. By the afternoon when no progress was seen, we implemented the sticker chart (it's amazing how stickers and chocolate impact motivation).

Day 2: Here's our potty training survival kit.

Wipes, books, two potty options because choices = success (at least that's what the experts think - which works wonderful until your child decides to choose the third option-NO, which isn't an option), sticker chart, chocolate and alcohol

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bed Change - Out with the old

RJ poses one last time before upgrading to the toddler bed.

In with the new!

RJ was so excited about his new fire engine bed and train pillows and blanket that he put himself down for a nap two days in a row. Some of his animals got demoted to the chair because he decided there was no longer room for everyone in the bed.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lionel 2466W Tender Whistle Stuck

Last night I gave up two hours of sleep repairing a train whistle stuck in the on position.

The patient: Lionel tender associated with engine 675 (pictured below)

Problem: The whistle blows continuously each time AC current is applied to the track.

Taking off the cover: Taking off the cover was easy. Simply loosen the 4 screws in the 4 corners of the car and lift the cover. The two suspicious looking screws in the middle attach the whistle mechanism to the chassis. I learned this the hard way.

How Lionel whistle works: applying the whistle button on the transformer (or whistle controller) pushes a 3V DC current over the track. The 3V DC current activates the solenoid, thereby lifting this thin metal strip to make contact and start the whistle motor. When the whistle button is released, the metal piece is supposed to drop back (via gravity) so the connection is lost and the whistle motor stops.

My situation: After a quick inspection it was easy to see that the solenoid (part: Relay WSR-1) was not letting go of the thin metal plate at the bottom so the motor never disengaged. When I put it on the track and manually separated the contact by gently touching the metal piece, it fell as expected. When the whistle was applied, it started and stuck.

Transformer Check: My first suspicion was that there was some residual current left after the whistle button on the transformer was released. I checked this using a multi-meter. But, the transformer was performing exactly as expected.

Repairing the faulty relay: I could purchase a new digital controller, but for historical purposes, I tried a lo-tech solution first. It's possible that some oil or other material got into the mechanism so that the piece was sticking. I tried cleaning the contact points in the center of the relay. That didn't work.

Next, I cut a piece from a piece of standard copy paper and applied it as shown below - making sure not to interfere with the opening and closing mechanism. I inserted the strip of paper between the parts that were sticking, next I bent the paper and ran it up the side of the relay so I could apply a small piece of masking tape to the top. The paper allowed the magnet to lift the contact while separating the components so gravity would shut off the power when the whistle button was released. Working after several test runs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Let it snow, let it snow

Question: Is there enough snow for sledding?
Immediate Answer: Yup! Lots of snow.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Fun

Ever since RJ's cousins visited, we have been finding ponytail holders around the house and every time RJ finds one, he tells me he wants to wear his hair "like my cousins." Here he is scooping seeds out of the pumpkin he got at preschool.

Picking berries off the branches we found in the yard.

I let him put the seeds and berries in a cake pan and play with them with his digger. Surprisingly, it was about 36 hours before they ended up all over the living room.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Julia is Four Months Old!

Weighing in at a hefty 14 1/2 lbs, Julia is 4 months old! (And my pictures were taken a couple weeks late, so she's a little older than that here...)
Her expressions are looking more like RJ.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I came up with a brilliant idea that I could make bread in the crock pot. A brief internet search indicated that maybe I didn't come up with this idea. However, it is still brilliant and we have enjoyed some homemade bread this week. If you are asking yourself why this is so different than making bread in the oven, it is just easier/quicker. The kitchen aid does all the mixing and you put it in the crock pot to rise and bake at the same time. The longest part of the process was explaining to RJ that I was making bread and not deer. The night he discovered my crock pot, he was going to look for deer in the backyard and has been obsessed with getting a deer and putting it in the crock pot for dinner.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

This year, RJ got to trick or treat three times. Once at preschool, once at Kids Club at the Sport & Health and once in the neighborhood. Here are a few pics from our very exciting week!

The whole class listening to Mrs. Wojcik read a spooky story.

Once I realized how ridiculous his head gear was, I took it off.

RJ could not contain his excitement over his first lollipop!

Our neighborhood has a parade and party before the trick or treating begins.
RJ the astronaut and Mommy kangaroo with her joey (and Nicholas on the side)

Nicholas and RJ

The whole neighborhood crew...One benefit of dressing your child in blaze orange is that you can't lose him!

RJ and Bradley join the parade.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Julia's Baptism

Sara, one month old, with Trina and Ana

Julia dressed (in the same baptismal gown Mom wore) and ready to go!
Waiting for Mass to begin - Grandpa, Lydia, Aunt Donna, Cecelia, Claire and RJ
Julia with her Godparents and Mom and Dad

Julia with Mom and Dad
Before the baptism - Uncle Z keeping Julia happy, Doug, Aunt Donna
Julia with her Godparents - Michael Zajac and Anastasia Martin
Johnson Family
Doug, Sara & Julia with Father
It's impossible to get RJ to sit still, especially after Mass.
Julia looks terrified (and this was after the baptism)
Fritel and Johnson Families
Johnson Family
Doug, Sara, Julia and our Goddaughter Claire
Ana and RJ in his 74 shirt
Ana and Julia
Grandpa, Cecelia, Claire, Julia, RJ, Grandma and Lydia

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cousin's Visit - Out and About

RJ is getting a little too big for the bucket swing.
The passengers of the train
This picture sums up everything from the whole week - the girls listening and behaving themselves and RJ doing the opposite of everything asked of him.

RJ's desire to lick things is going to push me over the edge as we enter flu season/winter.
So. Disgusting.
Claire riding a horse
RJ and Lydia stop for a snack.
Cecelia, Claire, Lydia and RJ
Cecelia, RJ and Lydia discover the puddles are much more fun than the playground.
I think this was the last evidence we have of dry children.
RJ, Cecelia, Lydia and Claire having lunch outside after the Mr. KnickKnack concert.
RJ, Lydia, Cecelia, Sara, Julia and Claire