Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Someone gave RJ a monkey hat, so I decided this was going to be his Halloween costume.
All dressed up and ready to go to the neighborhood parade/party.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I was not going to prepare for the hurricane, but after reading the news on Saturday night, I decided I should do something. So, I stored about 4 gallons of water, filled my car with gas and stocked up on Halloween candy. Overall, we were very lucky that we did not lose power and did not have much damage.
Doug decided he wanted to put on his swimming trunks and run outside to get the mail. This is the "before" picture. I ended up not taking an "after" picture because it was barely raining when he ran out so he didn't get soaked like we were anticipating.

RJ and I all bundled up to survey the damage.

Flowers, which needed to be cleaned up anyway, blown over.

Tree down blocking the road three houses down from us.

Tree from other angle...on top of a car

More October Fun

Lunch with Ms. Pam
It's a little hard to see, but if you look at the window near the pine trees, you can see the outline of a body and wings from a bird which flew directly into our window. This bird must have been blind, because our windows are not that clean.
RJ and Bradley trying to attack me (mostly because they want the camera in my hands).
Katelyn was feeding RJ and said, "He ate everything!" Well, almost everything.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Spicknall Farm and Pumpkin Patch

RJ exploring a pumpkin for the first time
Anna, Maddie and RJ at the farm/pumpkin patch
RJ loved the cows and horses. Right after this picture was taken, he put his finger up the horses' nostril and thought it was pretty funny.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October Activities

The Harris/Smith Family came to visit! Here's RJ with Elizabeth.
RJ playing with Drake and Max
Happy Four Year Anniversary! Every year, one of us is sick. This year we were both sick. We ended up canceling our plans for the night and after many attempts, this is the picture we got.
White squirrel in our yard
RJ at Artfest in McLean
Maggie and RJ checking out each other.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

8 Months Old

RJ has gone from crawling everywhere to now being able to pull himself up to stand on EVERYTHING. He falls alot, but doesn't seem to be phased by it. He is very proud of himself and squeals to get your attention if you aren't paying attention to his accomplishments. He likes pushing buttons on his toys and thinks it is hilarious when he makes a mess right after we have cleaned up. He loves knocking down the tower of blocks or cups after we have built them tall. He is eating more foods and likes sweet potatoes.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Miami vs. Notre Dame

Most of the crew!

Auntie Trina and Auntie Ana with RJ

The guys - Tom, Jimmy, Doug, Dad

The President and Sebastian at the pre-game celebration.
Clinton Portis
Edgerrin James
Bernie Kosar
Doug motivating the crowd
Luckily our seats were sheltered from the cold breeze off the lake.

Indiana and Chicago

We headed to Chicago for the Miami/Notre Dame game at Soldier Field. We went out a couple days early to visit Doug's family in Indiana.
RJ was being so quiet while we waited in a long line at the airport. We finally looked up and realized why...
We LOVE ceiling fans and this appears to be the world's largest.
Dude, you are on the WRONG side of the road!!!
Meeting Aunt Jo
The view from the hotel room - 22nd floor. I couldn't stand next to the window, but RJ seemed to be amused.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Growing Boy

RJ crawling in the grass and eating my flowers.
He is so excited that he can pull himself up to stand. He especially loves pulling up on the baby gate at the top of the stairs and then shakes it.
Learning to clean the floor.
RJ is obsessed with dogs. I think he's pretending to be a puppy. It doesn't help that we refer to him as a puppy. He does come when you say, "Here puppy." We're working on fetching.