Sunday, March 9, 2025

Trains 2024-25

We setup the trains during Thanksgiving, but we didn't get a lot of time to invite guests over due to hockey tournaments, skiing, and the Acumatica Summit. We kept the trains up until Feb 22. Final removal of boards from the basement was March 9.

The train layout this year featured:

  • Lego Trains, HO trains, and O-Gauge trains
  • All special cars worked (coal, cattle, log loader, milk, magnetic crane)
  • RJ wired most of the houses
  • Julia un-wired most of the layout
  • Bradley got a 14-car HO train to run around the track without derailing
  • Charlie's dad brought over some sweet, lightweight O-Gauge cars and an engine similar to the Penn Central
Doug and Julia running the trains

HO Train area

Santa Fe Engine 2 required some fishing line to hold it together

Julia finishes up unwiring all the houses and track connections

Sunday, March 2, 2025

RJ Hockey Stuff

RHL Season

RJ and the light blue team lead the league in the regular season and made it to the finals. In the finals they came up 1 goal short, but gave a great effort.

Semi-Final - RJ scored 4 in a 10-5 win

Team after the championship game

RJ's first penalty comes in the last 1:30 of the championship game. He was called for stealing the puck from a helpless defender.

Regular Season Standings

Selects Tournament Pictures
Professional photographer captured moments in several of the games in Philadelphia Tournament #2.

As center, RJ took faceoffs and skated back to cover the 'house' when goalie 2 was in

On the breakaway ... puck is on RJ's left knee ... goalie stopped this one

RJ drew 3-4 penalties during the tourney ... players tended to trip him if he got by them

The Ref making the call