Saturday, September 28, 2024

Church Picnic

The St. Luke Church picnic was squeezed between a cross country meet, a hockey game, 2 soccer games, the 7-8th grade parents party, and a sort-of sleepover.

Julia winds up with the 'red' ball (one with the most Velcro). With persistence, she managed a bulls-eye which earned her a piece of candy

RJ is always up for game of laser-tag. He's the bright yellow guy (cross country shirt)


Not pictured ... Doug working the grill for 3 hours in the sun on a super-humid 80+ degree day.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Sourdough bread

Two examples that the kids run the house (1) Sara agreed to foster a dog, (2) Doug agreed to make sourdough bread. 

The sourdough story began in March when we borrowed tools from Craig to replace the rider mower engine. The kids liked it so much that Doug was convinced to get some sourdough starter from Craig and sacrifice 2 days to breadmaking.

We started making bread on Saturday and at 9:00pm on Monday ... 

we got 2 awesome loaves of bread 

Less than 24 hours later (8:30pm on Tuesday), the bread was gone. Looks like another weekend of break making is coming up.

Batches 2 & 3

Batches 2 & 3 were quickly added the next week. Batch 2 was gone in 24 hours. 

Kids supervise preparation of batch 2

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dog Soccer

Julia enjoys going to RJ's soccer games because she gets to babysit Coach Joel's dog Jiro. RJ scored two goals, the girls couldn't have cared less.

Julia and Nora D. keep an eye on Jiro


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Girls Night at Wolftrap

Sara and Julia headed to Wolftrap for an evening with the Washington Ballet. Doug picked up RJ from soccer practice and got to bed early.

perfect weather for an outdoor show!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Pump Track

The Chambersburg Bike Park provided some entertainment after sunflower viewing. One kid explained how to 'pump' you bike so you can go around the track without pedaling.

We talked Julia into trying it out

RJ could jump the entire double-hump by the end

add video of jump

Sunflower Farm

We explored a sunflower farm near Chambersburg, PA. Kids were skeptical at first, but it turned out to be a short and fun stop on our way to the BMX pump track.

Sunflowers were pointing to the sun, so squinting was required for the picture

Sara, RJ, Julia in the middle of the field

There were lots of bees, but they were much more interested in gathering nectar than pestering people.

Photo credit: RJ Johnson