Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanks - it's over

The flu impacted Thanksgiving.

  • Julia was 'not sick' with a 103 degree fever for 24 hours
  • RJ had a dry cough and fever for 6 days
  • Doug started feeling bad at 4pm Wednesday afternoon and kicked a mild fever at 4am on Monday morning ... just in time for work.
What we planned:
  • Dinner at Yacht Club
  • Golf at Sherwood
  • Hang out at Cousin John's house
  • Hang out with Cousin Brian and the Sherwood gang
  • See Grandad, Cousin Bruce, and Aunt Rita
  • Maybe see the Hanlons

What we did:
  • Watched TV
  • Slept
  • Kept our germs to ourselves
Thankful that thanksgiving is over

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Hockey Goal

Random video of RJ scoring a goal in hockey ... 


Soccer - Bumblebees

Julia's soccer team, the Bumblebee-Swifties, was quite impressive. They were undefeated ... and many games were not very close. Many thanks to Coaches Kim and Pam for organizing a rec-league St. Agnes team. With a team of only 8 players, everybody got a lot of playing time.

Pic after the final game of the season

Friday, November 10, 2023

NYC Trip

We all had Friday off so we took the train to NYC to visit Aunt Donna. 

While on the train we tracked our progress on the phone, watched movies, and waited until 5:30pm to eat dinner. RJ did some homework on both the ride up and back.  

Julia, Doug, and Stuffies on the train

The trip to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island was a success. We arrived in time to catch the boat and enjoyed the museum and audio tours.

Photo from the Statue of Liberty pedestal. Sara posed, while kids listened to the audio tour

NY skyline on ferry ride home

Julia denied entry to America

Julia climbs
RJ scales the pedestal

After visiting the 911 Memorial, we found a festival

Day 2 featured shopping with no money and stops to Central Park, St. Patrick's Cathedral, $1.50 pizza, and dinner with Donna.

Lego store

Nintendo Store. Kids could have stayed there all day.

M&Ms store. Sadly, we did not purchase any M&Ms.

Started the day at Aunt Donna's office

Julia at Rockefeller Center (see Jurassic World picture from Oct 2015)

Sara and Julia are headed back in December.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Barbie Party

In keeping with the best marketing event of the movie season, Sara sponsored a Barbie party. 

Unfortunately "Ken" was in charge of the photo ... so this is the best we got


Cross Country - Last Meet

Kids finished the 2023 cross country season. Overall it was a very positive experience. Kids remembered their head-lamps to explore the dungeons at the park.

Girls before the championship race
Shenanigans included dungeon exploration

RJ approaches the finish line in 12:37 (last year he ran 13:04)

Team picture at the celebration event