Thursday, August 31, 2023

Nats Game

Sara scored some free Washington Nationals tickets. Julia wanted to re-live her girls scouts outing, RJ wanted to go to his first game, and Doug was in ... because it was free.

We arrived in the 4th inning (thank you DC traffic ... and poor planning) and the new pitch clock helped us get to bed at a reasonable hour. But alas, we did not have time to get any treats ... poor Julia.

Late arrival had it's advantages ... we got a pic with the presidents!

Final score: Nats 1, Marlins 6

Monday, August 28, 2023

First Day of School - 3rd/6th

After a fun, unscheduled summer, the kids headed back to school today. Sara took them to Chipotle for lunch after school. Doug ate a bottom of the barrel salad at work (but he was not bitter about it).

Julia makes sign, the crumpled papers on the floor are the rejects

Julia heads to 3rd grade, RJ heads to 6th grade

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Garden Friends?

The garden kale attracted a lot of little white bugs. At first they were harmless, but the kale plants started getting a lot of holes and they were not growing.

Today I noticed a lot of what looks like ladybugs moving around on the kale. Maybe they are eating the other bugs. The kale seems to be coming back ... stay tuned!

Kale seems to be coming back to life after a swarm of ladybugs arrived

Saturday, August 26, 2023

RJ's First Model

Two to three years ago, Aunt Debbie got RJ a plastic model plane to build. After completing step 1 about 2 years ago, the model was re-discovered. 

This week RJ finished most of the remaining steps. Doug provided some suggestions and helped with the tiny decals (which did not stick and had to be glued ... grrr ... agnst).

RJ assembling the model airplane (Dauntless)

Monday, August 21, 2023

Fake First Day of School

The first day of school is a lot more fun when it's the first day of soccer camp. For the kids in the neighborhood, they had a bus-stop party to celebrate ... so RJ and Julia biked over to enjoy NOT going to school.

RJ joins in the whiffle ball game ... Julia said the game was boring


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Clear Spring Carnival

Continuing what has now become a tradition. The Whitetail gang went to the Clear Spring Carnival. Each year I feel even more motion sick after going on even fewer rides. I highly recommend an empty stomach.

Poor RJ was sick so he had to stay at home with Sara.

We got started with a version of the scrambler

All four boys rode in 1 seat (not shown), so the unsuspecting guy on the end (Niko) pretty much got crushed.

The swings seemed like a logical next step


After that, Julia rode the Round Up (I called it the throw up) multiple times as well at the Rainbow (a huge swing with goes around in a circle.

We took a break for 'dinner' at 9am


A large approaching thunderstorm caused the rides closed down at 10:20pm instead of 11pm (thank goodness). So we got our cotton candy (and a stuffed dog) and headed home.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Princess Tea Party

In addition to sewing camp and track practice, Sara organized a Princess Tea Party. The most important items on the menu were juice and treats.

The Queen and her subject

Summer and Poppy joined the fun

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Street Repaving

Our road was scheduled for repaving ... so they posted several no-parking signs. The dogs were hoping they would put in another fire hydrant.

Dogs ignore the no parking sign

Asphalt removal on Aug 2

Putting the surface back on - Aug 18

Saturday, August 5, 2023

RJ Ties a Tie

For the upcoming school year, in addition to math and reading, RJ needed to learn to tie a knot for a tie.

First attempt - not bad

After some practice, it was time for more advanced knots like the Eldridge

Friday, August 4, 2023

2023 Peach Harvest

The 2023 peach harvest was a success. On tree two we thinned the harvest, so we got about 40 bigger peaches. On the main tree we had several harvest phases.
  • Phase 1: over-production. A fairly small branch broke off because it had 180 peaches.
  • Phase 2: vermin elimination. Three squirrels were relocated outside the beltway. The efficiency of this process was stellar!
  • Phase 3: bird trapping. Somehow the cardinals were dumb enough to get caught in the trap. After catching and releasing 3, the trap was abandoned. Luckily the mocking bird single-handedly chased 4-5 crows out of the yard.
  • Phase 4: the rot. Doug piled rotting peaches that fell, were accidentally stepped on, or were pecked by birds under the base of the tree. The result was about 80 peaches that started smelling and attracting bugs. One potentially positive effect was the rotting smell seemed to keep additional squirrels from showing up. 
  • Phase 5: harvesting fallen peaches. Each day several peaches fell. We would help the process by shaking the tree each day. This process lasted about 10 days. 
  • Phase 6: final picking. After 2 weeks of picking and peeling peaches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner it was time to make the final harvest. We got an additional 100 or so peaches.
2023 Peach Bowl
Wind       180   Final 
Doug*       600 
Birds        40 
Squirrels    20 
* Estimated. Daily counts were not kept.

Sadly this branch broke from the weight of 180 peaches

C'mon. How could this idiot be the state bird of Virginia

Daily harvest of fallen peaches

Last day picking

The last 10 peaches required the lacrosse stick (defense)