Saturday, February 25, 2023

Whitetail - end of season

This year was a terrible year for snow (and cold) in PA. The result was we got our last 'skiing' in this weekend. We had several folks join us for the last hurrah. The boys are pictured below. Sadona escaped the camera.

RJ, Javier, and Logan

Julia and Javier in front of the frozen trees


After a long ride up the speedy Easy Rider lift, Doug needed a break


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Caps Game - Doug and RJ

Granddad got us hockey tickets for Christmas, so we saw the Capitals play the Mighty Ducks. The Ducks were not mighty but the capitals lacked luck, so we saw a 4-2 loss.

Game highlights are here The highlights don't do the game justice in terms of how the Caps dominated but couldn't score.

After the Caps score a goal (0:25, 3:09), the camera pans up and shows us briefly.

Despite the loss, we had a great time with the exception of entering the stadium. Here was the process:
  1. We went to the main gate. Because RJ had his EpiPen, we were informed to go to a different entrance.
  2. At the other entrance, they told us we were in the wrong place and were sent somewhere else.
  3. When we got to the medical entrance, our tickets (thanks to the super-lame Ticketmaster app) were flagged as a potential screen shot so they sent us back to where we started. (the super-lame Ticketmaster app stopped the people behind us as well ... it let 2 of their tickets in but stopped the 2 others)
  4. At original entrance they tried to make use repeat the process.
  5. With the help of a supervisor, we got the EpiPen bag through the main entrance and got some guy in the 'problem ticket' booth to send me a text message with some barcodes that would scan.

Doug and RJ before the game starts

Monday, February 13, 2023

Okemo Ski Vacation

The kids love skiing so it was time for a trip to Vermont. The kids counted the days, Julia talked a lot, and RJ actually smiled for pictures.

Day 1: Travel 

After a long drive and a meal at Subway with no vegetables, we arrived, skated, went to church, and skated some more. 

We got started early and the kids zoned in on their devices

Skating (pic from day 2). On day 1 the crew shared their hockey sticks with us.

Day 2: Blue Bird Ski Day

Classic Picture at the Top of the Mountain

Classic picture of a kid with their tongue sticking out

Day 3: Another Blue Bird Ski Day

RJ up to his normal shenanigans. RJ spent a lot of time off road.

GoPro started when Doug said 'orange' - strangely Julia was not talking

RJ spent a lot of time on double-blacks. Supernova sign above. Black Hole and ungroomed trails were his other favorites.

The GoPro provided some entertainment. RJ was the official photographer.

Doug skis a 'black diamond'

RJ heads into the woods on a double black

RJ films Julia

Day 4: Blue Bird Ski Day with Powder

Overnight we got 4 inches of fresh powder, which changed conditions considerably. With smaller weekday crowds and high temps of around 40, the conditions were great!

RJ talked Julia and Sara into the woods

Kids with the Okemo bear

After skiing kids and Doug hit the pool and Sara met folks in the hot tub


Thursday, February 9, 2023

RJ's 11th Birthday

 RJ turned eleven. Aunt Debbie and Grandad came over for dinner (on a weeknight!).

Sara made a soccer cake, which was delicious!

RJ with gifts ... he didn't get to shoot the water gun until after skiing.