Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ski into 2023

The plan was great. Ski in the new year with the Kovaceviches and our friends from Whitetail. 

Strep throat (poor Summer and Janelle) and some really warm weather cancelled postponed the celebration. See the New Year's Redo post. So we did some spring skiing and watched fireworks with friends.

RJ and Milo before the K's had a premature exit

Doug and Julia setup an acorn stand on Fanciful

RJ back to his usual tricks ... jumps, woods, and a slight concussion.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas in Whitetail

After a harrowing drive from Cleveland, we saw Grandad and Aunt Debbie in Whitetail ... and we got in a few ski runs later that night. 

Aunt Debbie, Walter, and kids

Doug, RJ, Julia got Legos

Julia and her Legos

The next day RJ was up to his old skiing tricks ... jumps, woods, and pushing the rest of the crew forward.

Christmas in Cleveland

Christmas in 2022 was in Cleveland and Whitetail. While in Cleveland we saw Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Donna, and several relatives.

We beat the cold front by 2 hours, then temps dropped to zero degrees with 25-35 mph winds for 2 full days.

The new game room provided lots of entertainment while stuck inside

Who could resist a $2 NFL ticket!

Turns out the whole upper deck was able to resist - we had fun for 2 quarters plus halftime


Single pane glass - heat was up-and-down like a yo-yo

Christmas Eve dinner with Cousin Ian and others

Christmas morning - pre-gift opening

Gift opening

Other trip notables:
  • Doug did not remember to bring his gloves to the Brown's game
  • Grandpa provided quarters so kids could hunt them in the left over wrapping paper
  • Drive home was a bit of a terror ... salt covered windshield and wiper fluid froze
  • Lebanese food!
  • Mass at 10pm Christmas Eve 
This is as far as Doug's gloves made it

Kids hunt through wrapping paper for Grandpa's quarters

Monday, December 19, 2022

RJ's School Project

RJ did a good job preparing and delivering his project. He worked on it at home over the weekend because he was at his peanut food challenge when the rest of the class prepared. He passed the peanut challenge!

Sara was off work so she got to go and take pictures

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Preparing for Christmas

Gingerbread houses, Christmas cards, the tree, a few nativity scenes, outdoor lights, the Mormon Temple, and more.

Julia hangs Christmas cards (Dec 11)

Making / eating gingerbread houses (Nov 26)

Kids and Nicholas at the Mormon temple lights (Dec 10)

Doug and Sara in McLean (Dec 16)

Brooke, Santa, and Julia at the St. Luke breakfast (Dec 18)

At the St. Luke breakfast Christmas celebration, Bradley won the grand prize tree with lottery tickets and RJ won the second prize centerpiece.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Help waking up

After staying up late reading, Sprinkles has to help Julia get up.

Wake up Julia!

Friday, December 2, 2022

Doug Turns 55

Doug had an awesome 55th birthday. Took off work, went swimming, got some awesome gifts, and had dinner with the family at Z-Burger / Maman Zoon. New place ... kids loved it.

Hair looks BAD after swimming

Legos are a good gift at any age!