Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sherwood Tree Lighting

We travelled to Sherwood to see Cousin John after Thanksgiving. We got to see his new house, we got a night tour of Sherwood on a golf cart, and we got to see the official tree lighting. 

Next year we might 're-light' the tree


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving and Granddad's 80th Birthday

Quick trip to Baltimore for Granddad's 80th birthday and Thanksgiving. RJ survived without his allergy medicine by holding his breath to get Dungeon Dice from the basement.

Dinner with Granddad and Aunt Debbie. Shocker ... RJ is holding a salt shaker

Sara made cupcakes and got Granddad an awesome pic of the kids. Walter wanted to be in the pic!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Church Mystery Solved

During church, we like to follow along with the readings. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, the readings were not in the Worship book. We figured the church must have gotten new books. A week later the readings were back. Strange. 

Then one week, after some careful inspection, RJ noticed a small difference on the spine. About 90% of the books had a gold box around the GIA. The ones that didn't have the gold box ... didn't have the readings. Mystery solved.

Make sure you get a book with a gold box

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Golazos Soccer - Fall 2022

Another great season of soccer. Games were close in the beginning - with a mix of wins and losses. But the team ended the season with a 5-game winning streak. RJ got the last goal of the season in the 3-1 winning finale.

Getting a 'normal' picture was not easy with this group

Post game party

Coach Joel was awesome as usual ... medals and personalized notes for all team members!


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Girl Scouts celebrate Juliette Low's birthday

To celebrate the 162 birthday of the Girl Scout's founder, several troops got together for an afternoon of activities. 

Julia's troop gets organized

Hanging with troop 60280 after the event (Julia climbed to top of the smokestack looking things later)