Monday, January 31, 2022

Replacing my Samsung A50 Charging Port

For some random reason my phone began charging only when plugged into a computer. When plugged into the wall it would just sit there. Suspiciously, this happened after an Android update. 

Then the phone stopped opening in Windows (so I could not move files in/out or sync it with my computers). 

So I spent 20 hours trying different cables, different plugs, different phone sync settings, etc.. I finally resorted to purchasing a $4 board with a new charging port. 

Replacing the charging port involved taking the phone apart and trying to put it back together following some random YouTube instructions. The process involved 10-12 screws, removing the cover & applying epoxy to re-attach it, unplugging 4 wires, taking off an inner cover - - basically ripping the phone apart. 

  • Chances of breaking phone permanently: 50%
  • Chances of fixing the problem: 30%
As a result, I purchased a new phone (Samsung A52) before attempting this.
Phone repair in progress


The repair was a harrowing experience. Notice in the picture that the new board (in the phone) has a slightly different shape - this required some minor surgery on the board to make it fit. 

After the new card was installed the phone decided to apply a massive Android update. After the update the phone was able to connect to the computer, share files, and charge properly. 

Did the new board fix the problem? Did the Android update fix the problem? At this point I've waster 2 hours and spent $4 ... so these questions will remain unanswered.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Weekend in Whitetail

Finally some cold weather and natural snow opened up a few trails. We braved a snow storm and got to Whitetail on Thursday night. Doug started setting up his computer to work on Friday and ... no power supply. Gads.

On Saturday we got out early. From 9-11am was pretty awesome. From 12pm - 4pm was pretty crowded - a good time for Sara to watch the NDSU Championship football game. 

The next day was a bit rainy and icy, so Carter and RJ decided to build and open their own ski resort.
RJ and Carter building a jump

Monday, January 3, 2022

Snow and demise of pine tree

After 2 weeks in Whitetail, the gang returned home and it snowed 6-8 inches. Grrr. 

Pine Tree

It's been a tough year for pine trees in the back yard. Luckily this one didn't fall on the shed. The treehouse was pulled up, but might be salvageable.

Heavy snow + breeze + hollow trunk = treehouse with no tree

Trunk of tree was almost completely hollow


Wet snow made ideal conditions for sledding. RJ, Bradly, Julia, and Doug risked a trip to the ER for some pre-sunset fun. 

RJ built a jump when the hill itself was not dangerous enough.

Here is what it looked like from the cockpit of the sled.